Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs


  • Office Hours:

    Monday and Wednesday 12:00 - 2:00 and by appointment
  • Role:

  • Position:

    • Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs
  • Concentration:

    • United States History American Intellectual History History Education
  • Department:

    • CLA Dean's Office
  • Education:

    • Ph.D. University of Colorado Boulder


Currently serving as Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs at Colorado State University, I draw upon my historical training and experience as an educator to guide institutional decisions pertaining to undergraduate education. My role involves collaboration on matters pertaining to undergraduate academics, student success, curriculum, advising, teaching and learning, diversity and inclusion, admission and access.

I joined CSU as a faculty member in the Department of History in 1998 and served as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies in the College of Liberal Arts from 2014-2016. My interests in American Cultural and Intellectual History, History Education, US-Asian Relations, and preparation of future educators, build upon a foundation of long experience gleaned as a high school and university teacher. A First Generation student, I received a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at Colorado State University, and my Ph.D. at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

My belief that education offers empowerment and potential for transformation of self and the world informs research and publications that seek to connect historical content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and scholarship on teaching practices. My research and community engagement has contributed to pre- and in-service educator development and curricular design, and to professional development programs for K-16 educators.

With Dr. Matthew T. Downey I am co-author of Teaching for Historical Literacy: Building

Knowledge in the History Classroom (Routledge, 2016). I am also author of: “Bhutan in the

Middle: In Between in the Powers’ Game,” Discovery and Praxis (SUNY Asian Studies Series

2014); “Bhutan's Middle Way: Frontier, Borderland and Bordered Land,” East-West

Connections, Review of Asian Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 2009, pp. 1-27. 2009. Helen Foster Snow:

An American Woman and Revolutionary (University Press of Colorado, 2006, translation to

Chinese by Beijing Publishing Corp, 2016); “Friend or Foe: Life’s Wartime Images of the

Chinese,” Looking at Life Magazine, Erika Doss, ed. (Smithsonian Institution Press, 2001, pp.

55-75); and other publications.