Elizabeth Jones
Emeritus Faculty

Elizabeth Jones retired in 2019 and now lives in Corvallis, Oregon. Her previous scholarship focused on rural Germany, gender, poverty, and the environment and includes articles published in Central European History, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, German History, Agricultural History, and Continuity and Change, among others. Her book, Gender and Rural Modernity: Farm Women and the Politics of Labor in Germany, 1871-1933, appeared in 2009. In 2020 she joined the research editorial committee of the journal of the Council for European Studies, EuropeNow: A Journal of Research and Art and teaches adult German classes at the Deutsche Schule Corvallis. She is also a lead cook at the local soup kitchen and in 2021 began work on an oak prairie and forest restoration project in collaboration with the Institute for Applied Ecology.
PhD modern German history, University of Minnesota/Twin Cities; M.A. German Language and Literature, University of Wisconsin/Madison; B.A. History and German, Mount Holyoke College
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications
“Keeping Up with the Dutch: Internal Colonization and Rural Reform in Germany, 1800-1914″ forthcoming in the International Journal of History, Culture and Modernity, Amsterdam, (Spring 2015).
“The Rural ‘Social Ladder’: Internal Colonization, Germanization and Civilizing Missions in the German Empire,” Geschichte und Gesellschaft 40, no. 4 (2014): 457-92.
“No Smoke without Fire: Moor Burning, the Environment, and Social Reform in the German Empire, 1866-1914,” Agricultural History 88, no. 2 (Spring 2014): 207-36.
”¿ Un gran plan de mejora ? “: la colonización interna en el imperio alemán (A Grand Improvement Scheme?: Internal Colonization in Imperial Germany) Historia Social 77 (Fall 2013): 113-32.
Gender and Rural Modernity: Farm Women and the Politics of Labor in Germany, 1871-1933 (Ashgate, Series in Labour History, 2009)
“Landwirtschaftliche Arbeit und weibliche Körper in Deutschland, 1918-1933,” in Ort. Arbeit. Körper: Ethnographie Europäischer Modernen, ed. B. Binder, S. Göttsch, W. Kaschuba, K. Vanja (Münster: Waxmann Verlag, 2005), 477-84.
“Pre- and Postwar Generations of Rural Female Youth and the Future of the German Nation, 1871-1933,” Continuity and Change 19, no. 3 (Cambridge, 2004): 1-19.
“The Gendering of the Postwar Agricultural Labor Shortage in Saxony, 1918-1925,” Central European History 32, no. 3 (Fall 1999): 311-29.
Keynote Speaker
Midwest German History Workshop, University of Indiana, Bloomington, October 10-12, 2014, “Reclaiming Germany’s ‘Wild West’: Internal Colonization and Empire, 1800-1914″