History Club
Students from all over campus join the History Club for the lectures, conversations, mixers, and game and movie nights.

The History Club organizes the Meyer Nathan Speaker Series every Fall. This popular lecture and panel discussion provide historical context for current U.S. events. Students have a strong voice in choosing the topics and speakers.
Faculty Advisor
Adam Thomas

Engaging with History
Students in the History Club are an important part of the History department. History Club students host the department’s Ram Welcome booth, participate in the bi-annual History Fest, and are a vibrant presence at the annual Spring awards banquet and Furniss Lecture Series.
The History Club also engages in cultural awareness and restoration projects on campus.

Social Connection
The History Club provides a strong social connection for members. Lively weekly meetings include conversations about historical topics from all time periods and world regions. Throughout the year, History Club hosts ice cream socials and root beer float mixers. Both are popular with students and faculty. The Club also hosts History Quiz games, competing for the coveted Championship Belt.

Join the History Club
Many members of the History Club are also members of Phi Alpha Theta, the National History Honor Society. This professional society provides a network of researchers and educators dedicated to the highest level of historical study and activity. They bring historical perspectives to the national conversation. To join Phi Alpha Theta, see the criteria and benefits.
Weekly History Club Meeting: 5pm, Clark C250
Follow us on Instagram for updates and events: csu.historyclub