
Maintaining the Land: How Grad Students are Helping Preserve the History of Routt and Grand County in the Face of Land Development

October 20, 2022
Farm tractor at Stanko Ranch in Routt County

Riley Lynch, CSU watershed science alumna and anthropology graduate student worked with the Colorado Stormwater Center during her CSU Extension internship where she managed communications with over 300 applicants and the 20 selected program participants of the Rain Garden Pilot Program. She also co-taught the three-hour Certified Rain Garden Installer Course, sourced nearly 600 native plants, and led multiple rain garden installations with groups of youth and adult volunteers.

Ram Stories team will interview 200 CSU students to document their COVID-19 pandemic experiences

October 12, 2022
CAM the Ram with a face mask

A team of Colorado State University researchers will spend the next academic year interviewing 200 students and recent alumni to obtain first-hand accounts of what it was like to be in college during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Jared Orsi named Colorado’s new State Historian

August 4, 2022
Jared Orsi in front of mountain

Jared Orsi, professor of history at Colorado State University, began his one-year position as the state historian Aug. 1.

CSU history professor Jared Orsi named Colorado’s new State Historian

July 29, 2022
Jared Orsi

Orsi will begin his one-year position as the State Historian and leader of History Colorado’s State Historian’s Council on Aug. 1, Colorado Day.

Outstanding Grad: Jackson Hunter

May 12, 2022
Jackson Hunter

Jackson Hunter has served as the president of the Liberal Arts Dean’s Leadership Council and competed in the 2022 World Championships for Irish Dance while earning his two degrees in political science and history.

Clark Building to receive expansion and transformation

May 5, 2022
Rendering of the proposed new Clark Building

After more than 50 years, the most heavily utilized academic building on the Fort Collins main campus is getting a makeover.

Penance and plague: How the Black Death changed one of Christianity’s most important rituals

April 11, 2022
painting of a confession

The 14th century is known for catastrophe.

Environmental Humanities and Summer Session: Explore the world at 9,000 feet, where the mountains are your classroom

February 16, 2022
CSU Mountain Campus nearby meadow

This summer, the College of Liberal Arts is excited to offer a 9-credit opportunity for undergraduate students to study the environmental humanities during Summer Session at CSU’s Mountain Campus.

Students think creatively about information thanks to CSU Libraries, History Department partnership 

January 31, 2022
Morgan Library books

CSU Libraries is helping to connect history students with the research materials they need to succeed in tough classes.

The legacy of Quitobaquito Springs, a tiny place with a long history

December 27, 2021
jared orsi quitobaquito springs

On the border between Mexico and Arizona is the postage stamp-sized oasis of Quitobaquito. But while the pond itself is tiny, what it holds is immense