Graduate Student Teaching Assistant


  • Office Hours:

    Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:30 - 11:00
  • Role:

    Graduate Student
  • Position:

    • Graduate Student Teaching Assistant
  • Concentration:

    • Public History
    • Women's History
    • History of the American West
  • Department:

    • History
  • Education:

    • M.A. Colorado State University
    • B.A. Pepperdine University


Rachel Stenz is a Graduate Teaching Assistant and second-year M.A. student in the History Department. Rachel focuses on public history, women's history, and history of the American West. She graduated from Pepperdine University in 2022 with a Bachelors of Arts in History and minor in Multimedia Design. Rachel is particularly interested in combining her skills in digital art and training as a historian. She has worked on the Art of Ranching Project to develop a four panel exhibit as well as a website. Additionally, Rachel has been awarded History Colorado’s Emerging Historian Award and is working on publishing her paper, Makings of Museum: The Social and Environmental Origins of the Colorado Museum of Natural History.