Why Choose CSU

Critical Thinking

History students analyze a wide range of source materials so that they may identify patterns and develop answers to challenging questions. A close examination of source material from an array of cultures helps them develop empathy for diverse perspectives.

History students learn how to locate a variety of information and then use it to understand important issues. These research skills can be applied to almost every profession.

History students hone their communication skills in a variety of formats, including papers, podcasts, and digital presentations. They learn how to construct clear and persuasive arguments.
Check out this podcast created by undergraduate students in HIST 481A: History of Outdoor Recreation in collaboration with KCSU: http://kcsufm.com/category/podcast/land-grant-chronicles/
History majors at CSU find an engaged community of peers and professors who want to explore the past. Our curriculum allows students to follow and expand their interests. CSU History faculty challenge students, helping them build critical thinking, research, and communication skills in the classroom and apply those skills in world.
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Our graduate alumni join an active, growing network of people with careers from the National Library of Congress to the Grand Rapids Museum. At CSU, graduate students take rigorous seminars, pursue internships, and work with professional public historians to build a range of skills. Some go on to PhD programs and many enter the workforce as historians, cultural resource managers, city planners, library and archive professionals, park interpreters, and teachers.
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Graduate Alumni
Reyana Jones MA ’19

Community Development Planning Assistant
Town of Lyons, CO
“Own a Fort Collins Landmark?” by Erin Udell includes Jones’ work to help homeowners
Alexandra Wallace MA’09

Historic Preservation Specialist
Center for the Environmental Management of Military Lands
“Balancing Culture with the Military Mission” The Federalist
Kim Bauer MA ’14

Historic Preservation Coordinator
City of Brighton, CO
“Engaging the Public to Create a Downtown District” American Planning Association, CO Chapter website