History Graduates Receive Scholarships for Master’s Degrees Abroad
History alumna, Elizabeth Bruns, and History senior, Jefferson Abbey, have both received scholarships to pursue master’s degrees outside the U.S.
History alumna, Elizabeth Bruns, and History senior, Jefferson Abbey, have both received scholarships to pursue master’s degrees outside the U.S.
CSU History Undergraduate uses an assignment in HIST 479 to apply for and get a “Public Programs” internship at the National Museum of American History
Kurt Knierem chosen to serve on the Colorado Academic Standards Review and Revision Committee, helping prepare Colorado’s High School students for the college classroom
“The sun didn’t set for almost three weeks, and by the end I’d forgotten what night time felt like.” CSU History Graduate Student, Poppie Gullett
Dr. Adrian Howkins has been awarded a NSF grant to construct a historical photo archive of the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica. In conjunction with his work with the McMurdo Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site, the construction of a historical photo archive will help to facilitate a better understanding of the human history of […]
Dane Vanhoozer, a second-year student in the History Department’s M.A. program, recently accepted a position as a paid intern with the Colorado Encyclopedia of the Colorado Humanities. As a Content Specialist for the Colorado Encyclopedia, he researches and writes short articles on topics germane to the history of Colorado. For example, he has written on the elk […]
Dr. Nicole Archambeau’s article, “Miraculous Healing for the Warrior Soul: Transforming Fear, Violence, and Shame in the Canonization Inquest for Delphine de Puimichel,” just came out in Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques v.41. This volume is a special issue on how historians address the issue of trauma.
Maggie Moss Jones, a graduate student, was one of twelve students to win a prestigious Vice-President for Research Fellowship from CSU. The VPR fellows receive a substantial scholarship and will participate in professional development workshops and leadership opportunities. Maggie’s presentation was entitled “A Decade of Dysfunction: Mismanagement of Sacred Spaces at Effigy Mounds National Monument.”
Dr. Adrian Howkins has been awarded a NSF grant to construct a historical photo archive of the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica. In conjunction with his work with the McMurdo Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site, the construction of a historical photo archive will help to facilitate a better understanding of the human history of […]
Three History Department M.A. candidates created posters for the recent Graduate Student Showcase: Celebrating Research and Creativity, held in the Lory Student Center on November 11, 2015. Maggie Moss Jones’s poster was based on her research about malfeasance at Effigy Mounds National Monument in Iowa. Will Wright’s poster explored the topic “Highways, Tourism, and the […]